Why take RSL Music Exams in Cambodia?
RSL Rockschool the biggest Popular Music Examination Board in the World is now officially integrated with SoundsKool! Unsure what RSL is and how to gain International certification? Here’s your answer.

With Cambodia steadily growing and modernizing, there's a new Music Exam Board now. RSL Rockschool the biggest Popular Music Examination Board in the World is now officially integrated with SoundsKool!
Unsure what RSL is and how to gain International certification? Here’s your answer.
Contemporary Graded Music Exams
Rockschool music qualifications are tailor-made for the contemporary musician. Ranging from introductory grades all the way up to university-level degrees - we ensure your hard work is rewarded by a valuable qualification regardless of your age or musical ability.
Goals are great
Having a goal to reach is very important. It gives you focus, motivation, and something to achieve.
When you have something you achieve you can literally see and feel how much your skills have improved. Also, you won't give up so easily (sometimes all students can have up and downs, right?)
But how do you show your improvement to your family and friends, as well as your music teacher? Well, with RSL Rockschool your efforts are rewarded by an International Certificate right here in Cambodia.
That’s right, you will receive a certificate and a qualification (From Debut to Diploma levels) that could open up opportunities for you in the world of music from performances, further education or professional work in performing and teaching. Sounds great, doesn’t it? Remember that it takes determination and commitment to practice and achieve RSL qualifications and this is something you can be very proud of.
Feel Your Skills Progressing
Moments when you play a song and think: “Wow, I just did that, I just played Ed Sheeran!”
These are the moments worth working towards. There is nothing like the feeling of growing and achieving. Your repertoire (that’s how many songs you have under your belt) will grow and by the time you’re done with the exam you will playing many songs. Cool!
Become a Well-Rounded Musician
You will study how to play a wide variety of challenging techniques such as beautiful phrasing, solos and inprovisation, cool jazz, pop and blues scales, funky rhythms, and dramatic dynamic contrasts. These challenges will rapidly strengthen your abilities.
You will learn about instruments other than the one you are studying also. All these skills are ESSENTIAL in becoming a well rounded-musician allowing you to effortlessly play in bands/ensembles in the future.
Grow Your Ear
With RSL awesome aural tests are integrated in your study. This means you'll find playing on top of backing tracks easy. The creative improvisation section enables you to create your own music your own sound. Show off your super sonic ear to your friends and bandmates in no time!
Fill Up With Confidence
Playing for an examiner is practice for playing for an audience or a crowd!
When your examiner comes back with your qualification this shows you are great at your instrument. Be inspired to play again and again in front of anyone wkth no fear. Ready to play live?
Rockschool are bringing out a growing list of pop songs out in September for drums, guitar and bass!
Yes, that’s right > MORE songs! More songs from some of the most popular and talents artists across fun genres such as pop, rock and jazz you will be able to learn and then play in your exam, this is going to fun!
When’s The Next Exam?
RSL exams are regularly taken dusing the year. Please contact the school desk for the exact dates, and for any other information regarding RSL!
Phnom Penh: +85523 211 416
Siem Reap: +85563 766 706
Or use the messenger chat and ask for details
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