New Soundskool in Toul Tom Poung

Helloooo there!

Wasn't that a great party last October at Soundskool Toul Tom Pong? For those of you who didn't attend > check out the photos and video to get an idea of what you've missed!

We had the introduction (and sale!) of Fender in Cambodia - the definitive US guitar brand is now available at Soundskool Toul Tom Poung > here's the location of the store on Google Maps

See CNC TV news on Business Prime Time about Soundskool!
TV News Live

We had performances from Sreng o Neill on guitar


Student Performances

Even Syra Run!

And lots of friends

SoundsKool Toul Tom Poung offers many courses including piano, guitar, drums, vocal/voice, violin and saxophone! New course are in the pipeline such as music production, cello, flute and trumpet. Don't forget we also have RSL certification for your grade exams too!

Are you a beginner? Then try our popular starter PLAY! It's a group class once per week - you'll love it!

Join the new Soundskool Toul Tom Pong today, register online here > or call us on 023 220 350