Best piano keyboard for children
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Are you a parent looking to buy a 'cheap' beginner piano keyboard for your child?
We'll check piano keyboard prices in Cambodia, and show you the main keyboard types, so you can make the right choice. This is the article you need to read if you have a child who is starting piano lessons in a music school or at home.
When you should I buy?
Almost immediately after starting lessons. Without a piano or keyboard at home, it will impossible for your child to practice and study music in a meaningful way. Also, this marks an important moment in your child's musical development. They will always remember 'when my parents bought me my first piano'. Music is a
great gift, so as a parent you are doing the right thing.
Piano Keyboard Types: which is the right one for you?
- Non-weighted keyboards (normally 49 or 61 keys)

The 61-key Roland E-X20, which is a great starter keyboard from a premium brand (Roland are from Japan). It's affordable, it won't break, it's portable and it's fun to play with many sounds and effects.
But there is one big problem: The keys are not weighted. Generally 49-61-key piano keyboards have a weight of less than 25 grams (instead of over 1oogm of real acoustic pianos).

On the left, 61-key keyboard (less than 25 grams), center a real piano keyboard with (over 100 grams), and on right Jacob Dupre testing weights.,
Soundskool verdict: Good first instrument, but you will need to purchase an 88-key weighted piano or keyboard later if your child develops an interest for the piano.
Price range: Between $180 to $400
Be careful of: There are many types of 49-61-key piano keyboards (synthesizers, midi keyboards, workstations, backing keyboards..). Unless you have specific musical need, never spend more than $180-$400 on a keyboard for your children.
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2. Weighted keyboards (normally 88 keys), also known as Digital Pianos

In the example above, you'll notice that the Roland FP-30X (with bluetooth) is longer (88 keys instead of 61) and thicker. The thickness is due to the mechanical action needed to make the keyboard 'weighted'. You can also see the keys are full size, full width, just like you find on real acoustic pianos.
This is what you are looking for the medium to long term because with 81 grams both the Roland FP-10 and FP-30 (FP-10 is a little cheaper) will provide a near true piano-playing experience, something that can be useful for many years.
However, weighted keyboards are more expensive (than non weighted), and will require more space in the house. They are also heavier and less portable.

Left a Schimmel Grand Piano, middle a Roland LX series, right a Schimmel Upright C series. All these pianos have over 100 grams of weight, and all are professional grade instruments.
Soundskool verdict: Great first instrument because it provides realist piano touch, something that can take years to develop, so it's important to start early. Bluetooth is also a great extra feature.
Price range: Between $600 to $1600
Be careful of: These are sometimes referred as 'digital pianos' or 'stage pianos'. Make sure you are buying a weighted keyboard, generally if it has 88 keys it's likely to be weighted. Ask your teacher or our team for help if you are unsure.
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